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Align AI empowers builders of AI-powered conversational products to understand and optimize user interactions. It acts as your AI data analyst, offering powerful tools to analyze conversations, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions that enhance user experience. Dive beyond surface-level metrics and unearth the true story of how users engage with your AI.


  • Powerful Search: Find specific and complex conversations within your data based on natural language queries.
  • Conversation Monitoring: Stay ahead of user sentiment and identify areas for improvement with real-time updates on recent experiences.
  • Flexible Grouping: Easily organize conversations by themes, topics, or user characteristics for in-depth analysis.
  • Customizable Insights: Request tailored reports to explore specific aspects of your conversational data and gain actionable insights.
  • Universal Search: Go beyond conversations and delve into additional data sources like user surveys and feedback for a comprehensive picture.

Use Cases:

  • Improve user satisfaction: Analyze real-world interactions to understand pain points and areas for improvement in your AI's communication.
  • Personalize the experience: Identify user segments and tailor your AI's responses to individual preferences and needs.
  • Boost engagement: Discover what type of interactions resonate with users and optimize your AI to promote deeper engagement.
  • Track performance: Monitor key metrics like conversation completion rates and identify areas for optimization.
  • Uncover hidden trends: Go beyond basic surface-level data and discover hidden patterns and behaviors within your user interactions.

Align AI provides a valuable tool for any developer or builder working with AI-powered conversations. By unlocking the deeper insights within user interactions, you can create more intuitive, engaging, and ultimately delightful experiences for your audience.

Bonus: Align AI offers a free trial, so you can experience its power firsthand and see how it can elevate your conversational products.

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